

Why do we do what we do? Why do we even exist?

Does a purpose exist for each and everyone of us?

Maybe its all a miracle, and if it is then there must be an underlying meaning to it all.

What would that be then, this meaning. What would it be?

Where did it all start? It started somewhere. Where was that?

What is it that happened?

A big bang? Creation? Evolution from an atom? or, well, what have you?

What’s next after this?

Does it end when we stop breathing?

Heaven? Hell? Back to the earth we came from?

Wait, is that where we come from?

Is this all just a couple years of struggle before we’re finally relieved of it?

And what is it all for? That struggle.

Maybe we’d lose our minds if we ever found out.

I think I need my mornings back

The hardest task in my life right now, is to get out of bed

It’s morning already and the sun is out, but I’m stuck in my head

It’s a thought, it’s an idea, and it’s as heavy as lead

It’s my mind, dreaming, seeing things in black and red

Get up Ed! Get up! But; it’s like mopping the ocean floor

I’m uncertain on whether it’s just hard or impossible, I wanna know

Or better yet, I wanna dream, I wanna see myself taking yes or no

It sucks that I never get to that part. It’s an elaborate chain; come and go

There’s always a new dream at that point

A new one in which it doesn’t matter what my answer is

There’s new questions. Why did I do what I ‘did to her’? And why did she do what she did to me. The misdoing; hers or his?

I have an answer but I’d rather not say it. I’m better off sitting with birds on trees

I think I need my mornings back, to think of better things

Better things, bigger dreams, healthier thoughts in my head

Clearer sunrises, lesser secrets in my bed

Good morning

A dark song

I’ve heard it myself
I know the sound of the song
A sad song, a shroud of bitterness
A dark song.

I’ve heard it myself
I know what it sings about
A bottomles pit, an abyss of sourness
An unknown stop.

Im yet to sing the song
I don’t know how I’ll sing it
An unknown time, a lifetime of waiting
A certain death.

I wanna let you know

For the days when you close your eyes and not know what to say to Him
And it puts thoughts of hell on your head

For the days when you jerk right out of your sleep and wonder what’s lurking in the dark
And your heart races into another dimension

For the days when in the middle of a beautiful meal, your teeth turn against your tongue
And the pain drowns the sweetness

For the days when in your thirst, the fluid adventures away to the wrong tube
And your coughs scare you more than they pinch

I wanna let you know
That you escape the reaper’s  hook
But one day you won’t;

And for that day, we’ll weepļ˜­
